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ElementPropertyColor token
Example of ordered and unordered lists

Ordered list (left) and unordered list (right).


List items should use sentence case, that is, only the first word and any proper nouns are capitalized. In IBM product, use the 14px options below. For, use the larger expressive 16px options.

ElementFont-size (px/rem)Font-weightType token
Item14 / 0.875Regular / 400
Item: nested14 / 0.875Regular / 400
Item (expressive)16 / 1Regular / 400
Item: nested (expressive)16 / 1Regular / 400


There are two types of lists, ordered and unordered. Level 1 ordered list points are marked numerically while level 2 points are marked with letters. Level 1 unordered list points are dashed while level 2 points are marked with a dot.

ItemPropertypx / remSpacing token
Level 1margin-bottom0–
Level 2margin-bottom0–
Level 2padding-left16 / 1
Structure and spacing measurements for ordered and unordered lists

Structure and spacing measurements for an ordered and an unordered list | px / rem